Splash windows can be used to dress up many parts of your application. You could use them at the initialization of your application to display copyright and other information, or you could use them to display "please wait messages" while your application is in the middle of long operations. You could also use variations of "splash windows" to display floating tool bars and other properties. Well, you get the picture. Here's how to create a simple splash window dynamically:
var WaitForm : TForm; WaitLabel : TLabel;
function WaitStart( TheParent : TComponent; sMsg : string ) : boolean; begin Result := False; // create our message form // only if it's not already // created if( Nil = WaitForm )then begin WaitForm := TForm.Create( TheParent ); with WaitForm do begin Position := poScreenCenter; Width := 500; Height := 25;
// create the message label WaitLabel := TLabel.Create( WaitForm ); with WaitLabel do begin Align := alClient; Alignment := taCenter; Font.Height := -30; ParentFont := False; Caption := sMsg; Parent := WaitForm; end;
// hide the title bar SetWindowLong( Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong( Handle, GWL_STYLE ) and not WS_CAPTION ); ClientHeight := Height;
Show; Update; end; Result := True; end; end;
procedure WaitSetMsg( sMsg : string ); begin WaitLabel.Caption := sMsg; WaitForm.Refresh; end;
function WaitEnd : boolean; begin Result := False; if( Nil <> WaitForm )then begin WaitForm.Hide; WaitForm.Free; WaitForm := Nil; Result := True; end; end; |
Here's a sample on how to use above splash windows functions:
// start the splash window
WaitStart( Self {or Nil},
'Please wait...' );
// start the long operation...
WaitSetMsg( 'Almost done!...' );
// continue the operation...
WaitSetMsg( 'One more second...' );
// complete the operation
WaitSetMsg( 'Done.' );
// wait a bit here if you want users
// to see the "done." message
// close the splash window
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