If you look up the CreateProcess() function in Win32 help, you'll notice that there are more than three dozen parameters that you can optionally setup before calling it. The good news is that you have to setup only a small number of those parameters to make a simple CreateProcess() call as demonstrated in the following function:
function CreateProcessSimple( sExecutableFilePath : string ) : string; var pi: TProcessInformation; si: TStartupInfo; begin FillMemory( @si, sizeof( si ), 0 ); si.cb := sizeof( si );
CreateProcess( Nil,
// path to the executable file: PChar( sExecutableFilePath ),
Nil, Nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, Nil, Nil, si, pi );
// "after calling code" such as // the code to wait until the // process is done should go here
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); end; |
Now, all you have to do is call
CreateProcessSimple(), let's say to run Windows' Notepad:
CreateProcessSimple( 'notepad' );
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