Here's a function that will let you add database aliases to BDE (Borland Database engine) during run time.
uses DBIProcs, DBITypes;
procedure AddBDEAlias( sAliasName, sAliasPath, sDBDriver : string ); var h : hDBISes; begin; DBIInit( nil ); DBIStartSession( 'dummy', h, '' ); DBIAddAlias( nil, PChar( sAliasName ), PChar( sDBDriver ), PChar( 'PATH:' + sAliasPath ), True ); DBICloseSession( h ); DBIExit; end; |
For example, if you want to create an alias called
WORK_DATA that points to the
C:\WORK\DATA directory and use
DBASE driver as the default database driver:
'DBASE' );
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